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interdisciplinary doctoral study program

The interdisciplinary doctoral study programme of Biosciences is a level 3 programme under the Bologna scheme.

The study requirements of the programme are in accordance with the Higher Education Act and Criteria for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and study programmes, adopted by the Council RS for Higher Education, assessed under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The direct inclusion of parts of the programme in international exchange with universities in countries that use the ECTS is thus possible.

The aim of the programme is to train doctoral students for scientific work in fields of basic and applied life sciences, so that they will be able to develop new knowledge within the framework of a scientific research career or transfer knowledge to everyday practice. Within the study are represented traditional fields of life sciences, supplemented with newer fields, dictated by the development of new technologies and the needs of society.

The duration of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Biosciences

Between study years 2009/2010 and 2018/2019 students could enroll into three years study programe, which covers 180 points.  One credit point is equivalent to 25 hours of a student's work. The study programme is composed of an organised educational part, amounting to 60 credit points, while the remaining 120 credit points are devoted to individual research work for the doctoral thesis. 

From study year 2019/2020 onwards students can apply only for four years study programe, which covers 240 points.  One credit point is equivalent to 25 hours of a student's work. The study programme is composed of an organised educational part, amounting to 60 credit points, while the remaining 180 credit points are devoted to individual research work for the doctoral thesis.

The four-year doctoral study program was first announced in the 2019/20 academic year. With this academic year, enrollment in the 1st year of the three-year program is no longer possible.

The four-year study programme consists of organised learning (lectures, practicals, presentations of themes of doctoral dissertations etc.) amounting to 60 credit points (ECTS), while the remaining 180 points are devoted to individual research work for the doctoral dissertation.   

The programme consists of two types of subjects:  

  • theoretical subjects (5 or 10 ECTS)
  • individual research subjects (5 or 10 ECTS)

A doctoral student, together with the supervisor, chooses subjects from the selection of all the subject included in the programme. The study plan is approved by the coordinator of the scientific field of study the doctoral student is enrolled into.The choice of other subjects is possible from among all other elective subjects and from the syllabuses of other comparable programmes of domestic and foreign universities that have programmes evaluated by the ECTS or other systems that enable assessment of comparability. In the 1st and the 2nd year, the students can select courses from other programmes amounting to up to 15 ECTS. A doctoral student chooses subjects in relation to the research field of the doctoral dissertation.

Modes and methods of implementation of the study program

The doctoral study programme is organized and implemented according to the credit system principle. The study comprises lectures, seminars, consultations, individual learning and active participation in research processes. If there are less than 5 students registered for a course, the course is carried out as consultations. A student discusses the arrangement of consultations with the professor responsible for the course (the one whose name is written first if there are more than one professors). When 5 or more than 5 students are registered for the course, lectures are organized, the timetables of lectures are published under the chapter: Schedules

Methods of assessment

In accordance with the Statute UL, success in exams will be evaluated by grades from 5-10 whereby grades from 6 to 10 will be considered pass grades. There are no partial examinations in subjects. The course coordinator decides on the type of assessment.

Examinations under the programme will be written or oral, or a grade may be obtained in entirety through seminar tasks or projects.

Change of scientific field of study

A student may change the scientific field of study up to the time when he/she submits an application for approval of the theme of the doctoral dissertation. A request for changing the field is dealt with by the Programme Council for Biosciences.

Change / removal of an already enrolled subjects

A doctoral student of Biosciences may request to change a subject in which he/she is already enrolled only if he/she has not attended lectures or consultations. The request, which will be dealt with by the Programme Council for Biosciences, must be signed by the student, the supervisor, the person responsible for the subject from which the student is to be removed and the person responsible for the subject in which the student wishes to be enrolled.

Structure of the study program by year

Year 1

  • elective subjects (choice possible among the chosen or another scientific field) - 30 ECTS 
  • individual research work  - 30 ECTS

Total 60 ECTS. 

The doctoral student chooses 30 ECTS from subjects in the following manner: the subjects are chosen in accordance with the supervisor based on the candidate’s research area. The study plan is confirmed by the coordinator of the selected scientific field of study.

Doctoral students may already attend presentations of the themes of doctoral dissertations of other doctorands in their first year of study. Participation in at least three presentations is a prerequisite for applying for a doctoral dissertation theme in the second year of study.

Year 2

  • elective subjects (15 ECTS) 
  • successful presentation of theme of doctoral dissertation (5 ECTS)
  • individual research work (40 ECTS)

Total 60 ECTS. 

In the second year, a doctoral student chooses elective subjects to a total extent of 15 ECTS: subjects shall be chosen in agreement with the supervisor and in relation to the field of the research work. The study plan is confirmed by the coordinator of the selected scientific field of study.

A doctoral student hands in an application for approval of the theme and title of a doctoral thesis by the start of the summer semester in the second year of study the member institution holding the programme and being responsible for the coordination of the scientific field of study the candidate is enrolled in.

By the time of submission of the application for approval of the theme and title of their doctoral dissertation, a doctoral student must have attended the presentation of at least three themes of doctoral dissertations of other doctorands. At the time of submission of his application, she or he shall attach evidence (form) by which she or he proves participation in the presentations of themes.

Year 3

  • individual research work (60 ECTS)

Total 60 ECTS. 

The content of the 3rd year shall relate to research work and preparation of scientific article.

Year 4

  • individual research work (50 ECTS)
  • successful presentation of doctoral dissertation prior to defence (5 ECTS)
  • preparation of a doctoral dissertation and public defence (5 ECTS)

Total 60 ECTS. 

The content of the 4th year shall relate to research work and preparation and defence of the doctoral dissertation.

Scientific achievements in the field of basic and applied biosciences in the past decade and a half have lead to essential changes and corrections to the theory that had been valid for decades, which open completely new horizons in the study of the basic laws of the functioning of biological systems and enable the development of applications of which we never even dreamed a few decades ago. The fast development in numerous fields of biological research and ever new possibilities for the use of the new science are reflected in the ever greater need for basic and applied knowledge in modern societies, which also dictate suitable up-dating of doctoral study programmes. The interdisciplinary doctoral programme in Biosciences, together with taking into account the Bologna guidelines on quality, combines science and experience from the fields of agronomy, biology, bioinformatics, biotechnology, economics of natural resources, management of forest ecosystems, horticulture, landscape architecture, wood and biocomposites, nanosciences, nutrition, technical systems in biotechniques, protection of the natural heritage, cell sciences, animal sciences and animal breeding. The need for high quality and up-to-date doctoral study programmes for obtaining suitable knowledge from the scientific spheres developed in various members of the University of Ljubljana, is also dictated by the fast and extensive development of these fields and their impact on the quality of life. 

The essential element of the programme is connecting the contents from the field of Biosciences on the level of the University of Ljubljana with special care for new, boundary fields of research, often overlooked by the wider public, and which are not suitably represented in first and second level study programmes. The doctoral study programme in Biosciences is the response of the Biotechnical Faculty and associated partners, to the challenges of the time and it represents a combination of the most up-to-date knowledge in this field that, together with the commitment of domestic experts and visiting professors from abroad, we can offer in Slovenia. In addition to the Biotechnical Faculty, which is coordinating the programme, FRI, FS and FE are also cooperating with the coordination of individual study fields, as well as nine other members of the University of Ljubljana, leading Slovene research institutes, economic organisations and academic and research institutes from abroad. The main stress of the doctoral studies is on research work, on interdisciplinary study and on the cooperation of internationally established domestic and foreign experts. Taking into account the recommendations of the European University Association (EUA), the programme envisages the international exchange of students and, as a condition for ensuring the international comparability of high quality doctoral work, the publication of at least one scientific article in an internationally recognised scientific journal is required, which is an important part of candidates' research work. Particular stress is devoted to close cooperation between doctoral students and mentors, which gives the programme a special tenor and enables candidates, in agreement with their mentors, to design a personal programme of education, which best suits their ambitions.



Pri predmetih na doktorskem študiju Bioznanosti sodelujejo številni ugledni strokovnjaki in raziskovalci:

The doctoral study of Biosciences has 18 scientific fileds.
Each scientific field has its own coordinator (contact details of the coordinator are written in the description of each field).