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interdisciplinary doctoral study program

Tuition fees in the academic year 2024/25

The tution fees for students who will enrol for the 1st time in the 1st year of doctoral study in Biosciences: 3.800,00 EUR per year.
The tution fees for students who will enrol for the 1st time in the 2nd year: 3.800,00 EUR per year.
The tution fees for students who will enrol for the 1st time in the 3rd year: 2.200,00 EUR per year.
The tution fees for students who will enrol for the 1st time in the 4th year: 2.200,00 EUR per year.
The total amount of the tuition fees for students who regularly fulfil the study obligations of the 4-year doctoral study programme in Biosciences is 12.000,00 EUR
Tuition fees can be paid in five equal instalments:
  • 1st instalment - in 14 days after an invoice has been issued or not later than 15 December 2024,
  • 2nd instalment - by 15 January 2025,
  • 3rd instalment - by 15 March 2025,
  • 4th instalment - by 15 May 2025,
  • 5th instalment - by 15 July 2025.

Study contributions

for the academic year 2024/25 are EUR 34,80 per year of study.

Cessation before the end of the academic year

A student must pay part of the tuition fee even when he/she ceases to be enrolled at the University of Ljubljana before the end of the academic year, namely:  

  • 10% of the contracted tuition fee if he/she ceases to be enrolled by 31.10 of the current year or within 15 days of concluding the contract,
  • 50% of the contracted tuition fee if he/she ceases to be enrolled by the end of the first semester.

If a student ceases to be enrolled after the end of the first semester, he/she shall pay the tuition fee for the entire year in which he/she was enrolled.      

Payment of tuition fees

Payment of tuition fees may be undertaken in whole or in part by a commercial company, public institute etc. In this case, the student is obliged to submit to the UL a declaration by the commercial company, public institute etc., undertaking to pay the tuition fees, which shall be the basis for the UL to issue an invoice for tuition fees to the body undertaking payment. 

If the commercial company, public institute etc. that is undertaking payment of tuition fees is late in payment of the tuition fees or an individual instalment or revokes payment of tuition fees, the student must pay the late instalment or unpaid tuition fees. In such a case, the student must also pay the legal specified default interest.    

Status of a young researcher

See the following websites for possibilities of obtaining the status of young researcher:

For information on how to become a young researcher, see the University of Ljubljana website and the websites of other universities and institutes around Slovenia.  


See the following website for possibilities of scholarships:

Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia (Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije).

Co-funding for doctoral studies: https://www.uni-lj.si/study/doctoral/funding


  1. Tariff for tuition fees for doctoral study programmes for the 2024/25 generation of students at UL for all four years of study