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interdisciplinary doctoral study program

1. Call for applications for the PhD program in Biosciences 2024/2025 - Closed, application for 2025/26 will open in spring 2025

2. Candidate's mentor

3. Recognition of the foreign education

4. Enrolment



The call for applications for the PhD program in Biosciences for the academic year 2024/2025 is now closed.
For the next academic year 2025/26, the call will be open from March to 22 August 2025.

During the open call, applicants must complete an online application form, which is published on the website:

eVŠ WEB PORTAL  by Friday, August 22, 2025 at the latest.

Instructions for completing the application.

For additional information about the study program in Biosciences, you can write to the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



A candidate should have selected a supervisor (mentor) at the time of application or at the latest at the time of enrolment. Mentor must sign the Statement by mentor.

Coordinators of the scientific areas can help candidate to find the most suitable mentor for her/his PhD research.



A candidate who has finished his or her studies in a foreign country (not Slovenia) and would like to continue education in the Slovenian higher education institution is obliged to acquire a decision on the recognition of the foreign education, if they have not obtained one already. Higher education institutions are the competent bodies for the education recognition procedure.
The recognition procedure is a part of the enrolment procedure. The application for the recognition of a foreign education is part of the Application for enrollment in doctoral studies on the online eVŠ portal.

The required attachments for the process of recognition of education are uploaded by the candidate as pdf. documents in the application form.


Other information for foreign students


For the academic year 2024/2025:

Enrolment from years 1 to 3 and senior year of the doctoral study in Biosciences will be conducted electronically via the Biosciences website and will be completed by September 25, 2024 (until September 30, 2024 only exceptionally - e.g., absence because of illness,..)

Enrolment in year 1

For enrolment in year 1 a candidate can expect to be informed of acceptance into doctoral study in Biosciences and to receive information on the procedure of enrolment until the middle of September. Prior to starting to complete the enrolment sheet, he/she will have to have a signed Syllabus for Year 1 and to have obtained: Statement by mentor, Statement of commitment to respect UL codes of ethics, Accession statement for libraries, Activation of digital identity.  The supervisor and coordinator of the chosen scientific field must be cosignatories to the Syllabus. We will enroll students between August 30 and September 25, 2024.

Enrolment in year 2

For enrolment in year 2, a student must have completed the exam obligations and individual research work to a total extent of at least 45 CP. By September 13, 2024, a student must bring/send to the Office for Level 3 Studies BF the completed Form for completed obligations for enrolment in Year 2 (required for entry of CP for performed IRD in the electronic index of the student) and Syllabus for Year 2When the student has completed the conditions for enrolment, he/she will receive a payment order for the enrolment fee for year 2. He/she will thus have an open enrolment sheet for year 2 and may be enrolled. We will enroll students between August 30 and September 25, 2024.

Enrolment in year 3

For enrolment in year 3, a student must have completed the exam obligations and individual research work, presented the theme of the doctoral dissertation and have the theme of the doctoral dissertation approved.  By September 13, 2024 a student must bring/send to the Office for Level 3 Studies BF the completed Form for completed obligations for enrolment in Year 3 (required for entry of CP for performed IRD in the electronic index of the student). When the student has completed the conditions for enrolment, he/she will receive a payment order for the enrolment fee for year 3. He/she will thus have an open enrolment sheet for year 3. We will enroll students between August 30 and September 25, 2024

Enrolment in year 4

For enrolment in year 4, a student must have completed the individual research work and have the approval of the proposed doctoral dissertation topic by the University Senate. By September 13, 2024 a student must bring/send to the Office for Level 3 Studies BF the completed Form for completed obligations for enrolment in Year(required for entry of CP for performed IRD in the electronic index of the student). When the student has completed the conditions for enrolment, he/she will receive a payment order for the enrolment fee for year 4. He/she will thus have an open enrolment sheet for year 4. We will enroll students between August 30 and September 25, 2024

Enrolment in senior year

For enrolment in senior year a student must bring/send by September 13, 2024 to the Office for Level 3 Studies BF the completed Form of completed research work. When the student has completed the conditions for enrolment, he/she will receive a payment order for the enrolment fee for senior year. He/she will thus have an open enrolment sheet for senior year. We will enroll students between August 30 and September 25, 2024