Lecturer: prof. dr. Rok Kostanjšek
In the PhD in Biosciences, lectures are only organised in courses chosen by at least five students. The list of courses for the academic year 2024/25 that will be conducted in the form of lectures, is published in the table below. The timetables for those courses will be published in the table below only for courses where the Doctoral Studies Office of the Biotechnical faculty will be involved in coordinating their preparation. For most courses, the course lecturers will prepare the timetables themselves. In these cases, the lecturers will contact the students in the course directly to arrange the dates.
For all other courses not included in the list below, the number of students is less than five and these courses will be taken only in the form of consultations. A student agrees on the holding of consultations directly with the lecturer responsible for the course. Student can contact the lecturers from October 21, 2024 onwards. The contact email addresses of the lecturers are published here: http://www.bioznanosti.si/en/studij-2/educators
Course title | Lecturer | Timetable |
Geographic information systemsas a research tool for biology and nature conservation / |
Zagmajster Maja |
the lecturer will coordinate the dates of the course with the student |
Information searching and paper writing / Iskanje informacij in priprava člankov |
Bartol Tomaž |
at Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from February 18 till March 19, 2025 |
Microscopy and image analysis of biological samples / AND Microscopy and image analysis of biological samples - PROJECT WORK |
Kostanjšek Rok | |
Multivariate statistical methods / |
Kastelec Damijana |
Research planning and elaboration of a project proposal / |
Droben Damjana |
April and May 2025 |
Research planning and elaboration of a project proposal - project work / |
Drobne Damjana |
April and May 2025 |
Statistical analysis of biological data / |
Kajin Maja |
hybrid lectures, in the lecture theatre and via remote access: |
Statistical methods for data analysis / |
Košmelj Katarina |
the first lecture will take place on 4 November 2024 |
Introduction to Data Science / |
Zupan Blaž |
The dates of the course are published on the website: https://notes.biolab.si/books/ul-announce/dm101 The first lecture will take place on 11 November 2024 at 5.15 p.m. |
Lecturer: prof. dr. Rok Kostanjšek
Lecturer: assoc. prof. dr. Damijana Kastelec
Lecturer: assist. prof. dr. Maja Kajin