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interdisciplinary doctoral study program

Planning research data management for a PhD thesis

All students enrolled for the first time in the first year of doctoral study programmes in the academic year 2021/22 or later must also submit a Research Data Management Plan (RDP) when submitting the dissertation disposition, and publish the research data when submitting the final version of the dissertation, as per Article 50 of the Regulations on Doctoral Studies of the UL, which states:

"Research data generated and collected for the purposes of the doctoral dissertation must be published or otherwise made accessible in a way that makes them transparent, accessible, interoperable, re-evaluable and re-usable. The doctoral candidate shall submit the research data to a data repository, data centre or research data archive, thereby satisfying the principles of verifiability, transparency and open science. Research data shall preferably be submitted to national or international data centres dedicated to specific types of data or to the UL Repository.
The PhD thesis shall indicate where the data are available and how they can be accessed. Exceptions to data sharing are justified where personal and sensitive data are involved, or where there are reasons to protect intellectual property or not to disclose endangered areas, groups or species. Where justified exceptions to data sharing are invoked, the doctoral candidate shall, in agreement with the data centre, arrange for appropriate means of data protection and data access restrictions. At a minimum, freely accessible metadata must be prepared for the data centre catalogue, showing where and under what conditions the research data are accessible."

The UL Doctoral School website has a section on Research data management, which contains answers to the questions collected so far on this topic, as well as videos of various presentations.

The Data Administrator at the level of the Biotechnical Faculty is Dr. Tina Zorman, who can be contacted by PhD students with additional questions related to the publication of research data at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone on 01 320 3052.