Doctoral studies in the field of managing forest ecosystems enable deepening and broadening knowledge of the nature of forest ecosystems, their administration and management in line with the three principles of modern forestry, sustainability, co-naturalness and multi-functionaliy.
The candidate and mentor choose from basic and elective subjects those that are of most interest to the candidate and, at the same time, rounded in terms of content. The content of basic subjects enables supplementing knowledge of the ecology of forest ecosystems and deepening knowledge about the management of forest ecosystems and individual forest resources. The contents of oriented subjects from this field touch on ecological, technical and social aspects of managing forest ecosystems. Students of doctoral studies are involved in research work, in which, under the guidance of the mentor, they gain experience for later independent research work.
Forest covers 60% of the entire territory of Slovenia, and the importance of forests for their environmental, production and social effects is increasing. Study in the field of management of forest ecosystems is thus a unique challenge, since overall familiarity with forest ecosystems and their components on various spatial levels ? composition, landscape and regional - is required for forest management, as well as adapted management and technological procedures.
Doctoral study trains a candidate to solve development problems and to carry out independent scientific, development and pedagogic work and top professional work in the field of forestry and renewable forest resources. On completion of studies, he or she receives the title of doctor of science in the field of management of forest ecosystems.
prof. dr. Robert Brus |
assoc. prof. dr. Thomas Andrew Nagel Biotehniška fakulteta O fakulteti / Zaposleni (