From first to second year
The condition for advancement from the 1st to the 2nd year of doctoral studies in Biosciences is the completion of requirements to the extent of at least 45 credit points.
From second to third year
The condition for advancement from the 2nd to the 3rd year is completion of all obligations from the 1st and 2nd years of study, in which are included:
- All exams passed from the 1st and 2nd years of doctoral studies;
- Individual research work completed to a total extent of 70 ECTS;
- The confirmation of the positive assessment of the proposed doctoral dissertation theme and topic by their Committee for the follow-up of a doctoral student from the senate of the Faculty which coordinates the scientific field the doctoral student is enrolled in.
From third to fourth year
The condition for advancement from the 3rd to the 4th year is completion of all obligations from the first three years of study and obtained the approval of the proposed doctoral dissertation topic by the University Senate.
Final fourth year and condition for completion of study
The final, 4th year, is devoted to individual research work and the preparation and defence of a doctoral dissertation.
In the event of a student, for justifiable reasons, not completing study requirements, s/he must present a request to the competent commission for the holding over of status. The request must be accompanied by documentary evidence of the reasons for student status to be held over.
The condition for completion and obtaining the scientific title of doctor of science is that the candidate successfully completes all study requirements specified in the programme, is enrolled in all fourth years of doctoral study, and successfully defends a doctoral dissertation.
A doctoral student is required to publish at least one scientific article from the field of the doctorate in an internationally recognised journal on the SCI index, or exceptionally SSCI index or AHCI and has an impact factor. A doctoral student must be the first author of the article. The scientific article must be published or accepted for publication before the candidate hands in the doctoral dissertation for assessment.
Obtaining the scientific title
The interdisciplinary doctoral study program in Biosciences enables a student to obtain the scientific title of doctor of science, with the scientific field cited on the doctoral diploma.